Alright, I have a legit reason for disappearing this time, really.
Alright, I have a legit reason for disappearing this time, really.
Ok, kinda legit reason.
...ok, not actually a legit reason.
What's the reason? Well, cosplay! 8D
The time period from July to August was a super hectic one. I had to finish making three costumes for Otakon, and I had barely a month left! I was panicked, so I put off almost all social media to work on them. That, included my beauty blog posts. The only thing I updated regularly was my Facebook page, which I uploaded pictures of my progress for various costumes.
Here's a few!
On that note, I actually reach 1k+ on my Facebook page! I update a lot of cosplay and singing stuff there. If you're interested in keeping up with me on that aspect, feel free to check me out at PandaGin.
So basically, I've been glueing, sewing, cutting, heating, ironing for these past few weeks to get my cosplays ready for Otakon, which started on the 8th of August.
It wasn't just that though, oh no. I had to book a hotel room, manage who was rooming with me, manage people's travel methods, schedule photoshoots, and keep everyone updated on information.
It was extreamly stressful; I definitly got a few white hairs from it. HAHA It gets a bit confusing to know what to tell who.
Anyways! First day of the convention is always Day 0. This is the day when those who pre-ordered can pick up their badges.
Because of Otakon's bad planning, it turned into an official Linecon.
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Left to right, Miyu, Me, Igor (my friend) |
My mom drove my friends and I there. Traffic was absolutely horrible though; we ended up driving 3 hours when it should've only been 40 minutes.
We got there at around 7PM, and the line was ridiculous. It literally wrapped around 20 times
However, guy managing the end of the line said that everyone who joined then would be able to get their badges that night.
Well guess what.
We didn't. LOL
We waited around four hours, and then they told us all to leave. We didn't get a "cut the line" pass or anything. They just straight up told us to leave.
Not gonna lie, I was pretty pissed. So next day, we found my friends and grouped with them in the line to get our badge. We also checked into our hotel room!
Overall, the convention was still very fun. I got to spend time with Carl (the boyfriend), stay up late with my friends, and meet some of my role models! *A*
I also finally experienced the real terror of having your cosplay fall apart at the con. HAHA Luckily, I brought a lot of extra material with me in case this happened and was able to fix up most of my costumes for wear. The friend's rooming with me also had some wardrobe malfunctions; we panicked so hard together. ;;;;
Anyways, here's the continuation of Otakon with the addition of some pictures my friend Rui (her cosplay page is Rui Cosplay) took! I didn't take many because I needed to conserve power incase I got a call from anyone needing help. ;v;
Day 1
Traffic was a butt. We got there early enough to attend our 10AM photoshoot, but didn't have time to get our badges until after it. I was cosplaying Syndra from League of Legends that day, so I lent Rui my Ahri cosplay so she could match series'. She made the tails herself though, extremely impressive!
After that, we got our badges and checked into our hotel room at the Lord Baltimore. Fancy name, fancy hotel. The room was super nice and spacious; it even had a fridge!
This is when things got hectic. My mom helped me drop off our stuff at the hotel and we rushed upstairs to fix up our cosplays. My friend Miyu, who was also carpooling with us, helped made the process go a lot quicker. Luckily, three other people who were rooming with us also arrived at around the time we checked in. Apple, Sammi, and Elizabeth arrived, so we gave them room to unpack and left for the convention center.
We got there just in time for our 3PM photoshoot with N/A Studio. This was my first time shooting with him and I was kinda nervous because of my awkwardness. But...
It went fine. HAHA He was super chill and was extremely easy to talk to. We got some amazing pictures that I'll be showing at the end!
After that, I was basically free for the rest of the day. We fooled around and enjoyed our selves!
Here you can see me trying to get the attention of another girl who was the same character as Rui. AHAHA
I was banging on the glass and photobombing, it was pretty fun. 8'D
(In the end, she actually joined us inside and we talked. <3 Her name's Xiao!)
Night came, and my boyfriend finally arrived in Baltimore. At that time, I actually switched out into my panda kigurumi and was no longer wearing my cosplay. (Which was probably a good idea. Baltimore is scary at night!)
I kinda regret not taking any decent selfies with him, but I was really happy to see him again after such a long time. <3 We walked back to the hotel together and then went out to find ourselves some dinner.
Carl had the smart idea of going to the harbor mall at 10PM to attempt to find burgers and fries.
Well, everything was closed. HAHA
So we got some Subway on the way back to the hotel, ending day 1.
Day 2
Morning of day 2, Rui got up early and bought us all a bit of food from a local 7Eleven.
I got into my Syndra again, fixed from alterations the night before, and head out a bit early to attend a photoshoot with WongTwoThree Photography. There, I also met two of my role models, Bonnies Cosplay and Pizoobie! <3
They were both in League cosplays as well, with Bonnie as Sivir and Pizoobie as Fem!Rengar. I was super happy I could meet them! <3
After, I attended the League photoshoot and decided it was time to change cosplays. With Miyu and Carl, we went back to the hotel room they helped me change into Elsa from Frozen!
Getting the corset laced together was a pain. ;;;;
Getting the corset laced together was a pain. ;;;;
Elsa was much more mobile. Rui and I met up (she was the Jack to my Elsa) for our photoshoot with KG Photography!
Again, Rui somehow managed to snap a picture without me noticing. Photographers are setting up here, and I'm thinking of post ideas. HAHA
After that was done, Rui go eat with her family, while I went to the harbor to eat with Carl and Miyu.
He finally got those burgers and fries. LOOL
We headed back to the hotel after eating because Miyu needed to change. Well, also because my shoes for Elsa were slightly too big and giving a few small blisters on my feet ;v;
We ended up staying for longer than intended because Apple, Sammi, and Elizabeth also came back around that time and we started talking about dinner plans. I needed to go catch another photoshoot, so I left around 6:30PM.
This one was with N/A Studio again, but he was just a bit late this time around. It had gotten slightly dark, so we decided to go to the harbor where were were streetlights.
After we were done, it was around 9:30PM. I used my photographer's phone to message my friends to meet me at the harbor for food, and we went to this nice Irish place!
After we were done eating, it was late and we walked back to the hotel to call it a day.
Day 3
The last day, sadly. :'<
We woke up early to get all our make up done and completely pack all our stuff to ready ourselves for checkout.
From left to right, here's Rui, Apple, and I as lunch ladies. (you can also see a bit of Carl in the background. HAHA)
The absolutely hardest part of getting out of the hotel was getting all our luggage downstairs. There were so many con goers who were checking out that we could not get everything on. Therefore, from the 16th floor, everyone carried a suitcase and ran down. LOL
Pictured here from left to right is Rui, Carl, Joey (Rui's friend), and Apple.

After we got everything downstairs, Apple, Sammi, and Elizabeth had to part with us in order to catch their bus. We took this right before we had to say our goodbyes. ;v;
Again, from left to right: Rui, Apple, Carl (top), Sammi (bottom), Elizabeth, and me!

Rui, Carl, and I went to the Artist Ally to shop for things. Miyu joined us shortly, dressed as Military Gou from Free! We quickly finished buying our things and went outside to rest for a while since Carl and Miyu needed to leave soon as well.
Carl and I got matching bows though!! ///v/// I'm kinda surprised he agreed to it, but hey, not complaining. LOL
Left to right: Me, Carl, Miyu
If you're wondering what we're doing, we're drawing on each other's hands with eyeliner. HAHA
Carl and Miyu had to leave. After giving them both a hug goodbye, Rui and I went over to the Hilton Hotel's pool for the Free! Photoshoot.
Right after that, we ran all the way to the harbor again for our final photoshoot with KG Photography.
The shoot was quick, and we ended up just playing in the water and taking silly shots with Danielle's cousin, who joined us on the way.

At the harbor, there were also a lot of the people from the Free! photoshoot hanging about. I was able to get a quick selfie with everyone; it was super cool seeing everyone. /////

Eventually, the time came for us to go home as well. We gave Rui and her cousin a ride to their house on the way back.
(Here you can see the matching bow that I got with Carl! Last bits of happiness before falling into post-con depression and sickness. HAHA)

And thus concludes Otakon 2014!
Left to right: Rui, Michelle, Me
Photoshoot Pictures
Thank you so much for reading in case anyone actually made it to the end. HAHA I know my writing can get a bit boring at times, excuse that. ;;;;
School starting for me tomorrow! I'll be headed into 10th grade. *A* Wish me luck. <3
☆ gin ★
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